WCO Smart Customs Project releases results of the global survey on disruptive technologies

The WCO Smart Customs Project publishes the results of the survey launched in April 2024, aimed at gauging the global adoption of disruptive technologies among WCO Members, identify capacity-building needs, nominate National Contact Points (NCPs), and foster the exchange of experiences and best practices.
The survey’s main outcome is the identification of key technologies / application of technologies that may be adopted by Customs administrations in the near future and that have been selected as the focus of the Project: Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning (including relevant components of Big data and Data analytics), Blockchain, and Cloud computing.
The survey achieved a notable 62% participation rate from WCO Members, with 116 submissions. The results demonstrate broad participation and balanced representation from all six WCO regions, ensuring that the WCO Smart Customs Project effectively addresses digital gaps among Customs administrations and targets the right technologies for transformative impact.
The survey also shows that an IT Strategy is in place in 92% of cases among respondents, and that the top areas where Members reported capacity-building needs include technical skills, cybersecurity awareness, IT policy and governance, and strategic planning and change management.
The WCO Smart Customs Project will continue to address the digital gaps among Customs administrations by targeting the identified technologies. Detailed reports and further knowledge sharing through the Smart Customs Community Portal and regional workshops will ensure the dissemination of best practices and successful integration of these technologies.
The survey results are available on the WCO website.
For more information on the Smart Customs Project, please visit the WCO website or contact us at: smartcustoms@wcoomd.org